Table B.1. Preparedness and response framework11 for novel influenza A virus pandemics: World Health Organization phases and CDC intervals, with federal and state/local indicators World Health State/Local Organization Federal indicators indicators for CDC phases CDC intervals for CDC intervals intervals Interpandemic Investigation: Identification of Identification of phase: Investigation of novel influenza A novel influenza A Period between novel influenza A infection in humans infection in humans influenza infection in or animals or animals in the pandemics humans or anywhere in the United States with animal world with potential potential implications for implications for human health human health Alert phase : Influenza caused by a new subtype -- -- -- has been identified in humans Rec ition: ogn Increasing number Increasing number Recognition of of human cases or of human cases or increased clusters of novel clusters of novel influenza A infection influenza A infection potential for anywhere in the in the United States ongoing -- transmission of a world with virus with virus novel influenza A characteristics, characteristics virus indicating increased indicating increased potential for ongoing potential for ongoing human-to-human human-to-human transmission transmission 11 Updated Preparedness and Response Framework for Influenza Pandemics 48