HHS’s fundamental investments in science infrastructure and preparedness have delivered critical knowledge to understand both seasonal influenza viruses and those with pandemic potential. Establishing and sustaining scientific research frameworks, addressing the full spectrum from basic discovery through patient intervention, will dramatically improve comprehensive pandemic outbreak preparedness, response and recovery. As influenza viruses with pandemic potential emerge, we will use our science infrastructure to characterize strains, and identify and develop MCMs and NPIs to combat spread of a pandemic. Domain 7 – Domestic and International Response Policy, Incident Management, and Global Partnerships and Capacity Building Goal 7: Develop and enhance domestic and international response coordination policies, incident management, and global partnerships and capacity building. Objective 7.1 – Build out and implement the requirements of the Biological Incident Annex to the Federal Interagency Operations Plan—Response and Recovery and lead the operational coordination for domestic incident support in a federal response to an influenza pandemic. Objective 7.2 – Develop, implement, and coordinate domestic and international policies and processes to mitigate an influenza pandemic domestically or globally within national and international legal authorities, regulations, agreements, and frameworks. The emergence of influenza viruses with pandemic potential, as well as other emerging infectious diseases, poses a threat to national and global health security. HHS recognizes the critical connection between the health of the global community and the health and well-being of the American people and, thus, supports international preparedness efforts for pandemic influenza. As such, there is a growing need to align domestic and international response policies and incident management systems. In addition, partnerships are essential for global capacity building and international preparedness. Thus, in past years, HHS has supported activities pandemic influenza involving more than 165 countries and the WHO to build international capacities in the areas of surveillance, laboratory, human resources, response, research, and vaccine manufacturing, as well as to align efforts worldwide. 35