Strengthening global preparedness and incident response capacities for pandemic influenza is a complex effort that requires significant efforts in policy, planning, and technical areas within each partner country and internationally. Although HHS has made significant investments in international pandemic influenza preparedness activities in every region of the world, additional work with public and private partners spanning multiples sectors is still needed. Given the complexity of this enterprise, HHS is committed to establish priorities and leverage resources to coordinate policies, partnerships, and programs focused on strengthening USG policies, plans, and structures to ensure they address the international aspects of an influenza pandemic; collaborating with partner countries and multilateral organizations to harmonize policies, plans, and initiatives that support pandemic influenza preparedness and response in alignment with current USG foreign policy and national security priorities and goals; developing collaborations with countries in regions with the highest risk of pandemic emergence or with a potential to develop regional resources for pandemic influenza preparedness and response; and focusing investments on resource-limited countries to increase their response capacities, ultimately protecting the health security of the American population. 39