Administrative Controls ■ Monitor public health communications about COVID-19 recommendations and ensure that workers have access to that information. Frequently check the CDC COVID-19 website: ■ Collaborate with workers to designate effective means of communicating important COVID-19 information. Personal Protective Equipment Additional PPE is not recommended for workers in the lower exposure risk group. Workers should continue to use the PPE, if any, that they would ordinarily use for other job tasks. Jobs Classified at Medium Exposure Risk: What to Do to Protect Workers In workplaces where workers have medium exposure risk, employers should follow the guidance for “Steps All Employers Can Take to Reduce Workers’ Risk of Exposure to SARS-CoV-2,” on page 7 of this booklet and implement control measures described in this section. Engineering Controls ■ Install physical barriers, such as clear plastic sneeze guards, where feasible. Administrative Controls ■ Consider offering face masks to ill employees and customers to contain respiratory secretions until they are able leave the workplace (i.e., for medical evaluation/care or to return home). In the event of a shortage of masks, a reusable face shield that can be decontaminated may be an acceptable method of protecting against droplet transmission. See CDC/ NIOSH guidance for optimizing respirator supplies, which discusses the use of surgical masks, at: coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/respirators-strategy. GUIDANCE ON PREPARING WORKPLACES FOR COVID-19 21